There is nothing like being confronted by a barely 5 foot tall elderly woman and accosted for your choice of body jewelry while dropping off you 3 year old at preschool. I suppose I should preface this little tidbit of information with some history or background shall we say. Grady goes to a Christian preschool, well with us being Christians and all. What!?! An Irish lass that is not Catholic? Let's just say, I am a recovering Catholic, among other things. I have had my fair share of guilt to last ten lifetimes believe me! Ok, back on track - so Grady goes to a nice all day Christian preschool with amazing teachers, most all well up in their years. They are strict but loving which is exactly what that little demon angel needs.
Well, while dropping off Grady the other day the sweet 70+ year old Mrs. S came to greet him. She always wears ankle length skirts and her silver hair in a bun. She is the epitome of the church lady. "Oh my and how is my Grady today?" When I began to answer how he actually left the house today without a temper tantrum because I told him he could throw water at his teachers, well with it being water day and all, she abruptly stopped me with a look of shock on her face. "Do you have something in your mouth??" "Um, yes. It's a tongue ring... I've had it forever. So I was saying, Grady...." "Did you get it for your..... husband?" **here is where I begin to stutter and blush uncontrollably** "Uh... I mean...uh... I had it... but we don't.... yeah no, uh.. I just like it?." "Well now, God did not intend for you to put things in your tongue. He gave you a perfectly beautiful tongue, one not to be defaced." (perfect? I can, if I so choose, pick my nose with my long Gene Simmons like tongue. If this is perfect I am indeed terrified). "Ok then. Well have a great day!!" "I will pray for you and that you remove that... that thing!" (picture now me fleeing for the safety of my car, knocking down the other students in my attempt to regain the little composure I had left).
Now, under different circumstances I really think I would have come back with some sort of sassy quip of sorts. But really, it was 7 in the morning and I had but only one sip of my morning brew. I will also say she is a very nice lady and that Grady is very fond of her. I will also say that I am very liberal but do have the same base beliefs that she does, I just don't feel that I have to wear long shirts and my hair in a bun.
After some thought I did come up with this, "Well, this is just my earthly vessel and we both know it doesn't come with us!". So now I throw this out to you, oh Internet. What would your response have been? Don't be shy and help a lassie out!