Saturday, July 14, 2007

guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasure is about to come to an end. Typically when John is gone for an extended amount of time all heck breaks loose and I usually have a hard time sleeping at night. But this week it has been divine! I have had the whole bed to myself and many nights of wonderful sleep. I have been able to stretch out and actually sleep through the morning without being startled awake but his endless tossing and turning. I can even surround myself with pillows, something I did when I was single. He comes home tomorrow, so my bed I will again have to share. Wonder where I can send him off to next?? Till then I will be an unrested girl.


Jes said...

I used to be unable to sleep when Tom was gone too. But like you now I can't wait to have the entire bed to myself.

JCR said...

Me too!! I've had three wonderful nights alone.