Lady Dragons you strike again. When I thought you could go no lower you proved me wrong. Filing a grievance was quite malicious even for a team so despicable. That, my dear girls, is stooping down into the bowels of bad gamemanship. I do however find it oh so ironic that you wait until Friday to file your complaint when the game was almost a week ago. Even more intriguing is that your stats show you to be 0-5. Hmmm, can't seem to get a win eh? Have to resort to fighting dirty and without just cause? The referees comments and insights about the so called 'incidences' were not enough? He claimed we played an extremely fair game. Why do you question skill? We, as a team, do not anger easily but I should give you some fair warning. My suggestion to you is to start rubbing elbows with the scheduler because out next meeting will not be so pretty.
I will take much joy in dancing around those slayed dragons! Mooo ah ha ha
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Go get them girl!
You can't be serious???? Some people in this world will never get a clue...........
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