I have been trying to motivate myself to blog for days now. I was supposed to post pictures from my 80's prom party. Yeah, that hasn't happened. I was about to and then thought, "Gaaww, all I do is post pictures lately. I am such a lazy arse!" I then walked away from the computer. I tried to write a post about the recent struggles I am having but got half way through one extra large brain barf and decided that people probably don't want to know all that and if they did they would probably run and hide. (whoa run-on sentence there - yikes!) Truth be told, this is the time of year that I struggle with who I am and what I want myself to be. Working in the schools I am off in the summer - cool right? Mmmmm, not so much. I love the first few weeks of freedom, no schedules, no 5 am wake up calls..... life is good. But then July blows by and I am faced with August looming. Where has my sumer gone? I had plans, big plans. Now I have to try and cram in all that goodness in a few short weeks!
This is also about the time that my boys get on every last nerve. They fight and bicker over EVERYTHING!!! It is also the same time of year that hubby gets very busy because it is a lot of the companies he does work for 'end of fiscal year'. So he gets inundated with work and hides in his office for 12-14 hour stretches, leaving me alone with our little hellions. Did I mention we are going broke because of my wine consumption? No?? Huh. Maybe I should keep that to myself!
The summer also makes me realize I would make a shitty SAHM. And those women that homeschool!? WOW! I so worship them. I could not do it. I wish I was able to stay home some days and some days are really, really good. Other days, well other days I want to run from the house screaming and leave the three boys to fend for themselves. My boys like structure. They thrive on it. I get that because that is how I operate as well. The combination of me + summer = no structure. I try, honestly most days I try but unstructure usually get the best of me. By August I find myself spinning my wheels and going nowhere because really, where do I need to be?
On a more upbeat note, I am participating in the Tweighloss Challenge and am a proud member of TwitFit. My goal is to loose the baby weight that has lingered (for three years!) and the extra weight I put on this past winter. I am also dragging the new dog we adopted down with me. She is supposed to weigh 13-15 pounds and weighs 23.5 the little fatty! (said with love folks, said with love) So to help me stay focused I bought myself a new bikini yesterday that I will be wearing when I go to Cancun in October. I think I am going to duct tape it to the fridge as a reminder. Guess it can't be summer in this house without a little duct tape!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Great post! I look forward to more of your journey updates! A step at a time! :)
Hi Irishkat!
I know it's a little bit early to be talking "Back to School," but I wanted to extend an invite to you in case you might be interested in joining a project I'm working on for Box Tops for Education.
My name's Victoria, and I’m working with a marketing agency that’s been hired to help spread the word about the unique Box Tops for Education program & how every purchase via Marketplace helps fund local schools.
We thought this would be a fun opportunity for you and your readers, and just in time for back to school shopping needs.
Through Box Tops for Education’s online Marketplace program, schools can earn up to $20,000 apiece each year by shopping online at the more than 70 stores that participate – all at no extra cost to the consumer.
If you’re interested in getting involved, we’d love to send you a $50 gift card to redeem at the Box Tops Marketplace, and enhance your first experience shopping via the site.
We hope that you will share your experience & encourage further support for education with your readers through your blog.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear back from you soon!
- Victoria@rocketxl.com
I would be an awful SAHM too! I'll tell you, there must be something in the air around here b/c I've been struggling to write posts as well.
Good luck on your weight loss, I need to do the same. I've got a big ride coming up and shedding a few pounds would certainly help. (although, from your recent pictures, you look great. I will never wear a bikini ever again)
There are so many things that I'm nodding my head with. Me too, me too. I feel like you do. (Wait... is that the ghost of the Peter Frampton concert I was at a while ago?)
We can do this. We can get through this!
I know! I'm in awe of homeschooling moms, too. For the past month I've had to enforce 'no tv' days and we'll do a craft for that day. I'm already running out of ideas. I don't know how homeschooling moms do it!
Oh man, I SO relate to this post. This was exactly where I was at the end of June, after 6 weeks of being at home. When my teaching gig came up in July I was bitter about having to do it, but it really saved me. Even so, it's not full-time so I'm home many hours with the 3yo and I'm going nuts. So is hubby. We're all three ready for the school year to begin. And I feel the same, I would make a crappy SAHM.
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