The gloriously wonderful Mommy Time at Mommy's Martini tagged me for this fun meme. Since I am back at school this week - pain, oh the pain - I thought is was a great way to ease the pain start off my school year.
A. Attached or single? Attached to an amazing and firey Irish lad aka - hubby.
B. Best friend? With the exception of hubby of course, it would be Ann. Ann who lives way too far away. We have been friends since the fifth grade and I miss her every day.
C. Cake or pie? I make a mean 'Better Then Sex Cake'. Mmmmmm, cake.
D. Day of choice? Saturday, especially during football season!!
E. Essential item? A good pillow.
F. Favorite color? Purple.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms. Would it surprise you that I like to slurp them? No?? Hmmm.
H. Hometown? A small town called Poland, Ohio, it is about 30 minutes north of Pittsburgh, PA.
I. Indulgence? Icelandic chocolate and a great Merlot.
J. January or July? July - warm sunshine, BBQs and lazy summer days.
K. Kids? Two. Drake is 8 and Grady is 3.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Books, wine, crusty bread, someone to laugh with and chaos.
M. Marriage date? October 31, 1999.
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 younger brother.
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges
P. Phobias? Spiders, heights, walking on ice, my children drowning, people touching my neck or face.
Q. Quotes? Sir Walter Scott: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” and Kahlil Gibran: "Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
R. Reasons to smile? My boys, a love note left on the counter, watching older coupes still hold hands.
S. Season of choice? Autumn. I love the crisp breeze, sunny yet cool days, the smell of burning leaves and college football.
T. Tag some peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? I was a competitive swimmer from the ages of 6-18 and use to jump horses. I wanted so badly to be a jockey but height got in my way.
V. Vegetable? Grilled corn on the cob.
W. Worst habits? Procrastination.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? I have never had an x-ray so I guess I will have to go with ultrasound. I begged hubby to buy me an ultrasound machine after I had my first one with Drake. I sobbed uncontrollably and loved watching him move around in there.
Y. Your favorite food? I am a seafood girl all the way - clams on the half shell, fresh Mahi Mahi, lobster, scallops. I also love authentic Italian, mmmmm.
Z. Zodiac sign? Scorpio All. The. Way!!!!
So here are the peeps I am tagging: Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy, Ann at Ann Again...,Kaza at Kaza's Place, Jess at Laughs and Tears, Christie at some of this and a little of that, Beth at Kraemer and Diane at The Mommy Diaries.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
Hmmmm, this will be fun. I have to think about some of them, but I'll work on this tonight while I'm listening to screaming babies sneaking out of bed.
IrishKat I'm on it!
Get this... I'm actually on vacation at this very moment! I was sipping my wine while watching the Oregon Coast waves crash on the shore. (You should be here! I could pretend to be your B.F. Ann from fifth grade and we'd have a blast!!!)
I'm going to work on this game of tag soon!
It's AnnAgain, by the way.
I guess you know how my story ends now... G.G. is my husband and I'm on his laptop!
I responded to your game of tag - check out my responses! Who's your "G.G." friend?????
Totally gummy slurper too!
I'll work on this one soon, thanks for the tag!
Looks like fun, and should help with my blogger's block and too-busy-to-think-of-a-post problem right now. Though I'm behind by one meme already, so it might take me a week or two to do it (but I will!). It was fun to read yours. I have never heard of Icelandic chocolate. Good stuff, huh?
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