Baby Vader is trying to take over the Tierney empire aboard his deathship firetruck. Grady has taken to being called "Baby Vader" and tries to scare us any chance he gets. It is funny to watch as he pushes himself along on the firetruck. "I Baby Vader! I get you Momma! Rooaarr!!" Yes, I am sure you did not know that Baby Vader could growl like a dinosaur. Baby Vader has many talents, none of which are for the greater good (as of yet). Especially since I just had to pry a plastic Fisher Price golf club out of Baby Vader's hand since he was walloping his older brother with it. But I do enjoy the creativity of it all, at least when he is not inflicting the dark side on all those within reach!!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
You must have a camera in your hands all day long with this little creative one. I love it!
baby vader has fat little caveman feet.
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