Who doesn't love the happy mailman? That is what Grady calls the ice cream man. I can see the resemblance of the mail truck and the ice cream truck but it still makes me laugh every time he says it. "Mommy can we get something from the happy mailman?" Sure! I knew I had the extra change laying around from the garage sale last weekend so I grabbed a handful and waited on the curb. Obviously the happy mailman is functioning one level under the mofia because his prices were outrageous! Guess he is trying to pay for his gas, his mortgage and his vacation home. Nothing was under $3.00 - yikes! He made sure to comment that he and Grady both had on Spiderman shirts - creepy if you ask me, but it made Grady smile none the less. He also made it a point to tell Grady that he would be back next week. That gives me plenty of time to plan a way to avoid that darn truck. It is also making me wish we didn't get Grady those darn ear tubes because now he can hear everything!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
He deserves ice cream just for not wearing his Star Wars shirt :)
Uh...no - This is the 'other' shirt he will wear. There are only two, though after switching out his winter clothes I found some that he deemed worthy to wear.
We had a decrepit old truck rattling around the neighborhood selling sno-cones to the tune of the "Disney Main Street Electrical Parade"!! I shudder to think of whether or not it is safe to consume anything from this rolling rudt bucket. Having worked in the food industry and having studied cross-contamination, food bourne illnesses, and temperatures to keep food fresh, I just don't trust most ice cream trucks. Make that your argument next time. Icky, but effective!
You allow food dyes but are worried about TRAINS...
Welcome summer!!! :)
My son is addicted to the ice cream man and can hear that damn bell/music when it is a 1/2 mile from our house.
I smiled when I read this because I can just hear Grady saying that. He is a total cutie!!!!
Great blog! :)
P.S. I haven't seen him in awhile-I miss him!
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