I had the pleasure of signing my 6 year old son up for wrestling last night. Two nights a week, while supervised, he can thrash around on a pad with other boys and burn off some of his pent up energy that comes with the cold of winters of Wisconsin. When filling out the form there was a clothing option section. Singlets were an option. Oooh no!! Not on my kid! I think they are scary on high school boys and grown men, let alone my son. The thought of one conforming piece of spandex encompassing the trunk of a six year old boy makes me quiver in repulsion. And that is not even addressing the comments that would come out of his mouth about the idea... let alone my husband! So I happily checked the T-shirt and shorts option. It was a safer and happier option void of any quick gag reflexes. Thank goodness it was not a requirement!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago